Friends of The Greenhouse

We’re part of something special that’s happening at The Greenhouse and we’re in it together, learning, growing, seeking and celebrating. Come and join us on the journey, we reckon we need what you have and that we have something you need!

The Friends of The Greenhouse are part of our team and vision through offering counsel, prayer, finance and practical assistance. We keep in touch through quarterly newsletters and email updates and we enjoy a Summer Gathering and a Winter Gathering to inform, listen, reflect and share faith together.

Annual Membership and Newsletters

Annual membership is received for a gift of 6hrs or more voluntary work or £25 or more. Please fill in this Friends of The Greenhouse form and return it to to join our community! Alternatively, if for now you would simply like to receive quarterly newsletters email this address and we will add you to our general emailing list.

Enjoy a flavour of what we’re about and plenty of up-to-date news in our Spring 2023, Summer 2023 and Winter 2024 newsletters. If you’d like to see how our story is unfolding, here are our previous newsletters Autumn 2022 and Winter 2021.

Don’t forget to follow us on our Facebook page for up-to-date news.


If you have a passion for prayer in any form please consider joining our Wings. This is a group who support us by praying regularly for all aspects of our work. Wings receive a monthly prayer update with occasional prayer requests in between. To join email